The Origins of N A T O

Baron Hastings Lionel Ismay (1887–1965) was a British soldier, diplomat, and statesman best known as Winston Churchill’s chief military assistant during World War II and as the first Secretary General of NATO. A career officer in the British Indian Army, he played a crucial role in coordinating military strategy between the Allies. After the war, he was instrumental in shaping NATO, advocating for collective defense against Soviet expansion. His legacy remains tied to his efforts in strengthening transatlantic security cooperation.
Lord Ismay

Lord Ismay NATO’s first Secretary General once said;

“Keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”

A saying that has since become a common way to describe the dynamics of NATO.

The formerly reluctant Secretary General retired in 1957 but continued to promote NATO. Ismay’s publication NATO: The First Five Years remains an excellent explanation of why the Treaty was signed, how the civilian and military machinery worked, and what was accomplished from 1949 to 1954.

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